Monday, February 13, 2012


Most of my daily blog traffic came from entrecard but it was not okay until yesterday so i focus my strategies on blogwalking. Well, my blog traffic increases a litte.

Day 1 : 253 visitors
Day 2 : 153 visitors
Day 3:  178 visitors

But i have to try other method to increase my blog visitors, so i surf the internet for a new strategies and i found out that you must update your blog regularly and every time you update it  you must also promote it. Now, where can i promote my recent blog post:

1. Social Networking - facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon etc.
2. Ping your recent post - i use ping-o-matic to ping my post
3. Forum - i include a link to my blog in my signature in every forum that i join.

As for now i will focus on this three and i will try other promoting strategies on the next day.


My daily increasing blog traffic activities: 

1. Entrecard dropping - 200 drops  
2. Blogwalking
3. Updating Post
4. Blog Promotion in social networking site

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